Front Range podcasters and bloggers yield a taste of local food culture
It’s hard to figure out what’s going on food-wise in Boulder and around the state. Various publications and organizations have local bloggers and columnists like me who provide general information about area restaurants, food events and trends. I follow all of them but they don’t paint a complete picture.
You also need the obsessives. These are the folks who may be associated with the food and beverage business but also blog and podcast out of passion. It’s certainly not for the money. They use the various digital platforms to dive headlong into a particular topic, and they provide all of us with a window into those culinary worlds.
Here are some of my favorites:
The Zen of Food Travel: Longmont’s Peggy Markel is a food travel pioneer, who also helped bring the Slow Food movement to the U.S. from Italy. She writes about food and travel as a poet/philosopher penning opening lines such as: “Persimmons hang like jewels on leafless branches of the tree, like ornaments.” She shares evocative recipes ranging from 17th century bottom-crusted peach pie to shakshuka and eggs Indian-style.
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