Sotto Fiesole~ Olio Extra-Virgine d’Oliva 0.5 litre
I am biased, but Tuscan Extra-Virgin Olive Oil for me is the best. It’s an elixir guaranteed to deliver deliciousness and has tremendous health benefits, especially when eaten freshly pressed. Extra-virgin olive oil is a world unto its own in the Mediterranean. It grows in poor, dry soil, and gives the Med its characteristically romantic landscape. High in anti-oxidant polyphenols and Vitamin E, it’s an everyday elixir of goodness.
Bernardo Conticelli is a Florentine sommelier and wine maker, a level away from his Master of Wine. With a foot in France and the other foot “sotto Fiesole’, he has a family house and 4 hectares of olive trees just over the hill from the famous town of Fiesole that overlooks the city of Florence. Did I mention that Bernardo is also an expert olive oil taster? It’s no wonder he has a passion for tending, harvesting and pressing his own oil. He says, ” I work in wine for passion, olive oil for love, I grow vegetables for fun and I eat and drink for pleasure”. Bernardo is also our wine expert at La Cucina Al Focolare, our longest running culinary adventure in Tuscany. I have been to his country place and walked in the olive garden. It’s a great honor to be one of the first recipients of his primo, freshly pressed extra-virgin olive oil. It the difference between night and day. Your food will never be the same.
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