Fabio Picchi of Cibreo fame, has realized yet another dream ~ a small organic supermarcato + vivaio (nursery) on the terrazza next to mercato di Sant’Ambrogio. Love at first sight to see an unbelievable variety of fruits all named and spread artfully on the table. I wanted to pull up a chaise and lounge, paint or just study. Plants and seeds are available.
This was all before I descended into the store which had a nice array of fresh veg, fish and delicacies. I bought a small loaf of pane sano with turmeric and blueberries and that, my friends, is not something you find everyday a Firenze.
#c.bio #fabiopicchi#cibreofirenze #organic #tuttonuovo #firenzesogno#firenzegram @gowithpeggy #chebellezzaFrom Instagram
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