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Resolutions can be broken, but dreams remain until they are fulfilled.

Resolutions can be broken, but dreams remain until they are fulfilled…

“I just wanna go on more adventures. 
Be around good energy. Connect with people. 
Learn new things. Grow.”

I just received this lovely painting from my friend Tatjana Krizmanic, an artist of great range and talent. It hit me like an arrow in the heart, first making me laugh, then it made me cry, opening a deluge of memories. In that moment, I felt the poignancy of the cultures that have flown by in phenomenal display over the years ~ a fairy tale of foreign lands and curious travelers that have come together to explore the unknown richness and flavors of other cultures. An epic dream!

So I ask you. What is your dream for 2016? Resolutions can be broken, but dreams remain until they are fulfilled. Traveling can take you out of the norm, break up habits and ways of looking at things, and give voice to an authentic self that maybe you haven’t heard in a while.

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