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Why India? Equal to none

Temple tapestry glorifying Vishnu, the Protector, though he is nowhere to be seen.


Why India? She is known as the Noble Land of Mother India. Equal to none. It’s not only that she is 5000 years old and very wise, she is intelligent and forward-thinking and has roots in some of the oldest food traditions that we draw upon today.

Cooking is a sacred act. It is an expression of focused care. They have altars in the kitchen to honor the gods and no one eats before they do. Like most cultures in the modern world,  professional and home cooks are taking traditional dishes and giving them a uplifted twist. India is cutting-edge for what can be drawn from an ancient food history.

The art of tempering is what I have been most drawn to. Spices, along with fresh ginger garlic paste simmered in oil, carry the message to the rest of the dish. Once we see how these complex dishes are put together, we have Indian food demystified ~ like being let in on an ancient secret. The mystery still lingers, however, in how the flavors marry.

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