Put a frying pan on the stove, vruoomp
Chop some onions, thrap pap pap, thrap pap pap
Put some oil in a warm pan.. sheeeee
Onions cook at a slow sizzle, getting louder if you don’t turn down the heat, shreeEEEEEE
Slice some tomatoes, sfit sfit sfit
Put a bowl on the table, tzak!
Crack 6 eggs, crack slip, crack slip, crack slip, crack slip, crack slip, crack slip
Beat the eggs with a fork, frup frup frup frup frup
Grate some parmigiano, grrr grrr grrr grrr
Stir, roao roao roao
Add a few pinches of salt and grind some pepper, raaack raaaack
Put the mixture into a hot pan.. shreEEEEEEeeeeee tssstsssss
Ahhh… the sound of cooking. Music to my ears.
p.s.what am I making?