Reasons to Visit India

India - Peggy Markel's Culinary Adventures

Everyone, including me has had reservations about India. It’s large. Daunting and Deep. It’s one of those places that intrepid travelers go. Those of us that are strong, curious, and unaffected by the extreme. We have heard stories from our friends, and friends friends, about coming home with their lives …

Recipe: Salsa di Tonno

Tuna Sauce for Pasta 1 small onion, sliced very finely 2 cloves garlic, whole, in its skin 5 Fresh mint leaves Olive oil 1/3 cup capers Tomato concentrate, preferably the thick, dark red Sicilian version Water from the pasta pot, to thin the sauce 2 cups Tuna, very fresh and …

Down Home.

Even during a crisp November, the Alabama air was cool and humid. The skies were often grey and the ground, a wet looking brown. A sense of melancholy hung on the bare trees like something was missing. Sitting on Aunt Siddy’s porch 1980’s It took two hours to drive from …

Classic Gremolata

To add a little sunshine to almost any dish, but particularly seafood, and because lemons are a staple of the Amalfi coast, try a gremolata of fresh minced herbs. The herbs can be combined in almost any ratio that is to your liking, and you can substitute thyme, cilantro or …